How to score in written notes in PSLE Chinese paper 2?

How to score in interactive notes (书面互动or便条)in Psle Chinese paper 2?

Interactive notes are introduced in 2017 PSLE Paper 2 format and since then it has some changes. Nowadays it a test of how one pupil can extract important information from the article such as a advertisement, a notice or an announcement and give a reason for participating in the activities or give a reason for pupil’s friend or relative to help or join this event.

Key points

  1. The note format is not tested, so pupil need to write the content of the note only. the addressee at the end is not important too.
  2. How many marks does it carries: 4.
  3. the way of writing could be 电邮(email)、简讯(sms)、便条(note pads).
  4. All sentences need to be complete, all words need to be correct. And all facts must be present in the article or notice.
  5. The content is mostly: Where, Who, What, How to apply/join, When, and please differentiate application/registration from event date and time.
  6. keywords:-
    1. 报名:地点、方法(电邮、打电话、上网、下载、去联络所(or anywhere)、到办公室)、截止日期。
    2. 举办地点:时间、日期、票(票价,哪里售票、有待价、配套价格)、什么活动。
    3. 主办、协办。(main organizer/sub organizer)

How to score in interactive Notes?

  1. Always read the articles for relevant information like who, when, where, why, what, how?
  2. Always look out for application/registration information and event date and time (also the ticketing information too.)
  3. Look at the questions and highlight the required information to include in the note. highlight the questions if there is a special requirement for you to give a reason or ask for help/support/encouragement etc.
  4. Make sure you check carefully if your answer meets the requirements of the question.
  5. The marking is like composition so complete and sound sentences and no spelling errors is essential to full marks. And the answer must fulfill the requirements of the question too.


This section is not hard to score full marks so work towards full marks at all time.